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Cannabis-friendly public and private yoga classes

Puff and Paint: Art on Canvas is Better with Cannabis

Puff and Paint Events
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Sip and paint parties and events combine the creation of a unique artistic masterpiece with a glass of wine, but Introspectrum's 'puff and paint' parties tantalize the artistic influence with the natural benefits and effects of cannabis.

Introspectrum Events offers several creative options for designing a one-of-a-kind masterpiece on a 16 x 20 canvas. Parties and events are two to three hours, and Pamela guides the entire artistic experience. Choose from these puff and paint guided canvas lessons:

  • Paint your Pet (animal is predrawn on the canvas)

  • Partner Paintings (one image stretched out over 2 canvases)

  • Pass-the-Painting (team building event where each painter passes their painting to the person next to them every 10-15 mins).

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